Highlights from the report: At a time of rising youth unemployment and global economic austerity, more young people than ever before are traveling to gain work, educational and cultural experiences, while those traveling purely for leisure has fallen from over 75 percent in 2007 to just 47 percent. More young travelers are shunning the traditional sun, sea and sand holidays to improve their resumes. According to the report, 22 percent of young travelers want to learn a language, 15 percent want to gain work experience, and 15 percent travel to study all significantly up from 2007. Student spending has increased by 40 percent since 2007 despite the global economic climate, with young travelers requesting more varied services.
My suggestion is to read a lot. Read the masters, read the iconic travel writers, but also read what is being written today in magazines, in newspapers, and online. Then hone your craft; keep writing, take classes, take workshops, go to conferences, network find out as much as you can about the world you are about to enter. And finally, once you have a body of work, build a website that can be a digital home for you or start a blog so that you can start publishing your own writing. LTM: Once theyve started out, how can budding travel writers set themselves apart from the pack?
Hotels, online sites fight over travel tax burden
The resolution, backed by the hotel industry, recommends that states require online travel companies to remit the taxes paid by the consumer based on the retail price, rather than the wholesale price. Making the change, backers of the proposal say, would boost state and local tax revenue. Tax policy has not kept up with changes in technology, giving rise to significant ambiguity in defining the tax base, or the amount subject to tax, Utah state Sen.
Travel films & events: Presentation on Barcelona, Spain
(760) 367-5535. WORLD Presentation Filmmaker Craig D. Forrest will share stories from his lengthy career shooting projects for CBS, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and Travel Channel , among others. When, where: Noon on Oct. 20 at El Criollo Cuban Bar & Grill, 916 W.